CO$T urges residents of Southern and Central Marin to attend tonight’s Zoom meeting to learn about an important wildfire prevention project and voice your support.

Important Zoom Meeting

TONIGHT – March 10 – 6-8PM

Greater Ross Valley Fuel Break Project

CO$T urges residents of Southern and Central Marin to attend tonight’s Zoom meeting to learn about an important wildfire prevention project and voice your support. 

Using the best current vegetation management practices, the Greater Ross Valley Fuel Break project will help better protect our communities against wildfire in adjacent public lands and improve ecosystem health.  This vitally important project may face opposition from those who prefer that local public lands be largely left as is.


Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break Project

Online Zoom Call
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Zoom Details:
Meeting ID: 865 7414 2717
Passcode: 112339
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,86574142717# US (San Jose)

Learn more about vegetation management methods for wildfire protection and ask questions about the project’s components. Topics covered will include:

  • A description of the project, its goals, objectives, timeframe
  • Likely major grant support
  • Fuels management methods and monitoring
  • California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) environmental review process

Public Meeting Announcement 03/10/22

Example of a shaded fuelbreak

This project is a collaboration of the Greater Ross Valley fire agencies (Marin County Fire Department, Ross Valley Fire Department, Kentfield Fire Protection District, and Central Marin Fire Department) and includes mapping, modeling, project design, collaboration with potential partner agencies, public outreach and community meetings, field surveys, and environmental compliance for a shaded fuel break that would be located directly adjacent to communities in the Greater Ross Valley. This project would reduce fire risk to several WUI communities and thousands of residents while improving forest and ecosystem health by reducing non-native plant cover. Future years would include phased implementation of recommended vegetation management activities along the shaded fuel break.  The meeting will include a full description of the project and its goals and objectives.

CO$T continues to play an important role in advancing wildfire preparedness and prevention in Marin as an urgent priority for taxpayer funds.  We helped shape the final version of 2020’s  Wildfire Prevention Tax Measure C by advancing provisions that make the agency lean, accountable, eligible for large grants, and motivated to act expeditiously on coordinated projects such as the Greater Ross Valley Fuel Break Project.  Two of CO$T’s Directors currently serve on the Marin Wildfire Preparedness Agency Citizen Advisory Committee to help ensure these fire preparedness objectives are met and the agency is fiscally prudent and transparent.
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