Stop Mandating Building in Fire Hazard Zones
Former Mill Valley Mayor John McCauley is leading an effort to convince state legislators to modify California laws that currently mandate housing development in fire hazard zones.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Mimi Willard contributed 111 entries already.
Former Mill Valley Mayor John McCauley is leading an effort to convince state legislators to modify California laws that currently mandate housing development in fire hazard zones.
The Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers is among seven transportation and taxpayer advocacy organizations who signed the joint letter linked below regarding the proposed Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) bridge toll increase. Click Here to View the Joint Letter to BATA ➾
In response to the Marin Independent Journal Editorial Board’s endorsement of Kentfield, TUHSD, and Fairfax’s November 2024 bond measures, CST President Mimi Willard penned a letter to the editor calling out the disconnect between those endorsements and the condemnation of local bond measures by the editorial board of the Bay Area News Group, the IJ’s parent. Willard’s letter explains the details of these measures, the deceptive wording of their ballot language, toothless oversight, and other reasons why CST is leery of local bond measures. Read Willard’s letter to the editor in full by clicking below.
CST continues concerned about the Tax Tsunami now unfolding that will be greatly exacerbated if voters approve Proposition 5 — opposed both by the Bay Area News Group and CST— making it far easier to pass local bond tax measures. The Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers urges being selective in voting Yes on additional bond measures given the great likelihood you’ll soon be paying many, new, multiple-decade taxes for bond measures passed in the current and upcoming elections.
Read the Best Impartial Voter Guides Consider CST’s Guidance Use CST’s Calculator to Learn What that Proposed Tax Costs YOU Find & Take into Account Your Hidden Taxes VOTE & Make Sure Your Ballot Isn’t Rejected Best impartial info about measures on your local and statewide ballot **KQED’s voter guide provides an excellent synopsis of the pros […]
The Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers (CST) periodically endorses selected candidates for public office. Our endorsements focus on candidates in whom we have high confidence that their approaches and priorities overlap with ours and the positions that they will fill are important.
Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers (CST) President Mimi Willard was the keynote speaker at Marin Coalition’s meeting on Thursday, October 10, 2024, at Dominican University. In her talk, entitled “The Tax Tsunami and Your November Ballot,” Willard demystified the key measures on your statewide and local ballot.
Watch a video of the event and Willard’s keynote speech above!
CST hosted an impartial virtual forum with Marin Municipal Water District Division II candidates Robert Sandoval, Diana Maier, and Jack Kenney, and Division V candidates Dawn Matheson and Dave Keatley.
This forum was moderated by Marin IJ political columnist Dick Spotswood.
Watch the video of the webinar above.
This Q&A webinar featured the candidates running for the Marin County Board of Supervisors seat representing the Ross Valley, Brian Colbert and Heather McPhail Sridharan. This impartial forum was moderated by the Marin IJ’s political columnist, Dick Spotswood.
The Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers provides the following recommendations for 2024 Marin & Bay Area Tax Measures.
The Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers was approached by community leaders with the idea of jointly developing a set of guidelines to ensure local bond measures are fair, responsible, and accountable.
CST continues to sound the alarm about a California Tax Tsunami arriving with the November 2024 election, and that could persist for several election cycles until the cumulative impact on California families and businesses becomes unsupportable.
Time is short to submit applications for exemptions and discounts on an array of Marin add-on property taxes and agency fees.
APPLY NOW! Filing Deadlines Soon! Beware: You May Need to Reapply Each Year Don’t Miss Future Alerts Like This! Because so many tax- and rate-payers miss out on cost-saving opportunities for which they may qualify, CO$T distributes this informational bulletin to Marin County taxpayer-voters each spring, updated to include new discounts and exemptions as well […]
FIRST WAVE OF TAX TSUNAMI ON NOVEMBER HORIZON A tsunami of tax measures is on California’s horizon, with the leading edge breaking on our shores in November 2024. This could be an inflection point, with significantly higher taxes — particularly at the local and regional level — exacerbating unaffordability for millions of residents and businesses […]
This Q&A webinar, hosted by the Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers, provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the candidates running for the United States Congress District 2 seat. Hear from incumbent Congressman Jared Huffman and challengers Chris Coulombe and Tief Gibbs, in this impartial forum moderated by the Honorable Leah T. Wilson, Executive Director of the California Bar Association. This […]
This Q&A webinar, hosted by the Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers, provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the candidates running for the United States Congress District 2 seat.
U.S. Congress District 2 Candidates Forum 7 p.m. on Zoom | Monday, February 12 This Q&A webinar, hosted by the Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers, provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the candidates running for the United States Congress District 2 seat. Hear from incumbent Congressman Jared Huffman and challengers Chris Coulombe and Tief Gibbs […]
This Q&A webinar hosted by the Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the two candidates running for the Marin County Board of Supervisors District 4 seat. Hear from incumbent Supervisor Dennis Rodoni and candidate Francis Drouillard. Voters will receive ballots by mail in early February for the March 5 election. […]
CO$T hosts a Zoom Forum featuring candidates for the upcoming District 2 Supervisor seat in Marin County.