Register Now! MMWD Division II, Division V Candidates Forum
The Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers (CST) is proud to host an impartially-moderated Zoom webinar on Wednesday, September 18, at 7 p.m. PST with the candidates running to fill the Division II and Division V seats of the Marin Municipal Water District board. This event will provide an outstanding opportunity to learn about the candidates running in an election whose outcome has very important implications for the future of Marin’s water supply, policy and rates, as well as the management of the watershed — with implications for biodiversity, wildfire, and recreation.
Register Now! Marin Supervisor District 2 Candidates Forum
Please join us on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 7 p.m. PST for a Q&A webinar with the candidates running for the Marin County Board of Supervisors seat representing the Ross Valley. This webinar will provide an excellent opportunity to learn about the two candidates in this race, Brian Colbert and Heather McPhail Sridharan. CST is pleased that this impartial forum will once again be moderated by the Marin IJ’s political columnist, Dick Spotswood. Attendees are invited to submit questions to be answered by the candidates during this virtual event.
CST Recommendations: November 2024 Marin, Bay Area, and State Tax Measures
The Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers provides the following recommendations for 2024 Marin & Bay Area Tax Measures.
Bond Measure Guidelines and Guardrails
The Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers was approached by community leaders with the idea of jointly developing a set of guidelines to ensure local bond measures are fair, responsible, and accountable.
How to Apply for Tax & Fee Exemptions & Discounts
Time is short to submit applications for exemptions and discounts on an array of Marin add-on property taxes and agency fees.
Major Tax Tsunami Warning!
CST continues to sound the alarm about a California Tax Tsunami arriving with the November 2024 election, and that could persist for several election cycles until the cumulative impact on California families and businesses becomes unsupportable.