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Urgent Action Alert: Call in to the committee hearing at 1:30 today and say NO on ACA 13
We have an urgent request for all HJTA members and supporters to call in to the Assembly Elections Committee hearing TODAY at 1:30 p.m. to express strong opposition to ACA 13. It’s a proposed constitutional amendment that attacks Proposition 13 and the initiative process by making it harder to pass all constitutional amendments that protect taxpayers.
Here’s the call-in information:
Day: TODAY, Wednesday, August 23
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Call-in number: (877) 692-8957 and PIN: 1315444
It’s easy — All you have to do is say your name, that you’re a taxpayer, and NO on ACA 13.
You’ll be able to listen to the hearing on the phone and you’ll be prompted to press 1 and then 0 to enter the queue.
Thank you for taking this important action to protect Proposition 13 and taxpayers!

Jon Coupal
President, HJTA |